Zelda Benjamin
Writes Sweet Romance
Believes in Love, Laughter, and
Happily Ever Afters

Shortbread Cookie Princess
“Who knows how many scraps of plaid have been preserved in mothballs and hidden away in family attics?”
His low voice held an edge of seduction. Sophia stepped closer. The underlying sensuality of his tone captivated her. In all the times she had dusted over the fabric, she never got close enough to inhale the faint scent of mothballs. She wrinkled her nose.
“You’re very lucky to have it.” Ian ran an index finger over a thin red line woven vertically down the plaid. “Highland dyers and weavers were highly skilled. It’s evident in pieces like this. Run your fingers along this line. Do you feel the thickness? The fabric was mended many times, perhaps torn by a sword or knife thrust.”
“Or it could have been caught on a rock.” Sophia reached out and touched the coarse wool.
“It’s possible.” Ian laughed. “If we settle for the simple explanations, we might never learn the history of the people who owned these valuable pieces.” He placed a hand over her finger”
Excerpt From: Zelda Benjamin. “Shortbread Cookie Princess.” iBooks.
Her Perfect Blend

“My work often keeps me away. I’m not immersed in Emily’s day-to-day activities, but I know every move she makes.” He removed his phone from his jacket pocket and opened a photo app. “I received a video this morning. Yesterday, friends invited her to an after-school tea party.”
“What a lovely setting.” Fiona glanced at a video of three little girls in school uniforms seated around a table. The name of an elite private school was embroidered over the pocket of each jacket. Custom-made shirts, an expensive private school, and a full-time nanny—who are you, Gavin McIver? What she knew about him she liked, but what she didn’t know could be a problem.
“Emily’s the one with curly red hair.” Gavin paused the video.
Under the mop of curls, deep-blue eyes admired the desserts on the tall cake plate. “She’s beautiful.” Fiona glanced from the phone to Gavin. “She has your eyes. How can you stand being separated?”
“I’ll see her soon.” He cleared the photo.
“Are you leaving?” She placed a thumb and forefinger on the spoon and stirred what was left of her tea. The spoon dragged tea leaves along the bottom. A diviner she hired to entertain afternoon tea guests told her leaves along the bottom were a sign for the future. Good or bad was determined by other factors. She wouldn’t object to Gavin being in her future.
“Hey. If you keep stirring, you’ll wear a hole in the cup.” He tapped her chin with a knuckle. “No. She’ll be here next Thursday.” He leaned back and smiled.”